Jan 26, 2023
Louis is pretty straight up with his dislike for boring marketing.
Getting new customers is probably THE most important thing for any business.
But it's not always easy and can be incredibly frustrating.
Every business has wasted time, effort, and money on marketing strategies that get no results.
But some businesses, are doing things differently.
They are getting response rates as high as 50-60% with their dream clients calling them up, day in, day out and asking THEM for a meeting.
We talk about some of the creative outreach he has been involved with from coconuts to fake arm and horse’s head.
He explains how and why these approaches work and why it is surprising that more organisations don’t consider the true value of customers and ditch the dull sequences in favour of more successful methods.
But does he overstep the mark?
Link to Louis's LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/louis-sandford
Take the Scorecard: https://collaborativeselling.scoreapp.com/