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Sales Today

May 25, 2023

Are you scared for your job?


Today salespeople are needed for various types of selling.


Anton Dobrzhanskiy and Miro Putkonen explain how while some types of selling, like transactional, could become obsolete due to AI-driven automation, other types like consultative, solution, and provocative selling might still...

May 18, 2023

Is your cold call structure fit for purpose?


If you are trying to call senior executives it might not be.


Martin Stevens shares both why and how he goes for the top.

Based on a playbook that determines whether offering/adding/creating value the structure he uses focuses on outcomes and problems.



May 11, 2023

How does a professionally trained actor apply their craft in the world of sales?


Scott Purves shares how he uses skills developed in one profession help those develop in another.


Some of the techniques might be predictable but others are surprising.


He explains how actors study human behaviour and in doing so also...

May 4, 2023

Why does money have such an emotional effect?


Jason Graystone explains how it is fundamentally linked to survival and how mismanagement can cause our brain to act in a way that is not conducive to good selling.


Being needy unattractive to customers and hampers the ability to foster real connection.

